The grey market is an informal market where goods or services are sold without government approval.
The grey market is an informal market where goods or services are sold without government approval.
Informal Market:
The grey market operates without government approval or regulation.
Informal Market:
The grey market operates without government approval or regulation.
No Official Channels:
Goods are sold without using authorized dealers.
No Official Channels:
Goods are sold without using authorized dealers.
IPO Trading: Unofficial
trading of IPO shares often happens in the grey market.
IPO Trading: Unofficial
trading of IPO shares often happens in the grey market.
Legal but Unregulated:
Items are legal but not controlled by the government.
Legal but Unregulated:
Items are legal but not controlled by the government.
Price Volatility:
Prices in the grey market can be more volatile than official markets.
Price Volatility:
Prices in the grey market can be more volatile than official markets.